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The NEW content includes chapters on: - DRIVINGFundamentalsRacing LinesPracticingConnecting With Your Car - INITIAL vs OVERALL GRIP expanded concept. - BUMP STEER - AERODYNAMICS - SETUPS FOR INITIAL GRIP vs OVERALL GRIP - CASE STUDIES FOR SETUP - SETUPS BROKEN DOWN TO CORNER SEGMENTS - MAXIMISING YOUR POTENTIAL & PERFORMANCEAttitude & ResponsibilityMaking the most of your equipmentImproving Skills, high level practiceMental Focus & DevelopmentRelationships & Sponsors - RACE CRAFTConfidenceFocusAvoiding PitfallsManaging your race dayMaintain your success This book builds on over two decades of the author Joseph Quagraine's experience in the world of Scale Motorsports. He picked up RC Car racing as a hobby while a teenager, and progressed all the way to a professional driver in the mid 2000s. Once he was done with his mechanical engineering and industrial design studies in 2009, he started his own company, JQ Design Ltd and released his own car that he had designed over the last few years. JQ as he is known has a passion for race car performance and engineering, and after applying decades of research into how vehicle dynamics affect the performance of the scaled down versions of race cars, it was time to put it all his knowledge down on paper.

This book is unique, as the only book to cover race car design theory, practical applications of setups, and their effect on handling of RC Cars. The book focuses on 1:8th scale nitro buggies, but the information is relevant for all scales and classes, even full scale. The laws of physics are the same for all. Here is some of what the book covers:

Why do we need setup?

How is a car supposed to work?

Tyres, Load Transfer, Pitch & Roll

Roll Centres




Tyre Choice

Setups for different track conditions


"There was limited information available about car setup when I started, and it was mostly quite surface level, and to understand what was going on, the only resources available were written specifically for full scale cars. I decided to gather my thoughts and knowledge and put it into a book, because progress always occurs when people stand on the shoulders of those who came before them. I hope this book can serve as a great starting point for future race car engineers, and they can build on what I have presented here." - Joseph Quagraine

Invisible Speed Book (2nd Edition)

SKU: INV0001-01

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