I did some testing at my home track this past weekend working on a base setup for my Kyosho MP10 TKI3 and started with my settings from Silver State with changes to the diffs and shocks for a track that was less extreme bump wise compared to Silver State. I worked with JQ and Invisible Speed on the changes I ran at Silver State. I found this set-up to be easy to drive at Silver State allowing me to run in 3rd for a while against many of the worlds best. Then on my home track I found it to be very easy to drive as well.
My home track is more typical midwest style. It can develop a bit of a line but generally has dust on the line and heavier dust as you get off the line. Grip can vary from say 3-7 on a 10 point scale.

What I changed from Silver State and why:
-Went up one position on C block pill (More-Anti Squat) due to more hard on power sections which allowed the rear to be more supported especially on corner exit and to square up more on exit.
-Heavier diff oils for again, a higher speed track and not nearly as rough as Silver State, however still some bumps in some corners.
-Smaller holes in the pistons to again accommodate more support and less need to absorb oversized roughness like what Silver State exibits.
So here is a list of tracks off the top of my head that I think this could be a good base set-up on for normal conditions that I have experienced on said tracks:
-Medina R/C Raceway
-Brown's Hobby Shop and Raceway
-CRC Raceway (Rome, NY)
-Revelation Raceway
-Wicked Weekend
So if your track is along the lines of any of these, perhaps you could consider giving this a try if you are looking for a comfortable base set-up.
If you fully try this set-up and you experience any of these things listed below, here is a quick list of 1 change for each thing you could try:
-Too much steering or too much dive on the front in corners - Lower front link to middle on tower.
-If topping out on top end on larger tracks like Browns, LCRC, ect if they have more open layout, I would go to 58 spur at least.
-If the rear isn't rolling enough in corners - Raise rear link on tower
-On power hitting ruts on corner exit and bouncing up too much - Lower AntiSquat one position on C block.
-Front diffing out in corners (Front tires balooning too much) - Go up to 30K center to start, may need to go up on all 3 if grip level is higher.
-If a very rough track, simply consider the Silver State Shocks and diff oils.
